Sunday, March 22, 2020

How Virtual Offices can prevent the Spread of Coronavirus?

How Virtual Offices can prevent the Spread of Corona Virus audio:

Virtual Offices can allow quick businesses to expand their marketplace into other cities at a minimum price. The whole of the world at present experiencing the effects of Corona Virus, it is recommended to stay in their residents. Working from home and shunning public transport is currently acceptable by the industries at large. Though the government all over the world is considering taking appropriate measures to prevent the spread of Corona Virus, work from home is regarded as the best option for industries and the employees. Many entrepreneurs and autonomous professionals make the fault of relying on a mobile number for their links to call. 
Even today, most callers will not leave a note on a voicemail and won't call back if they find the number is busy. 

Significance of Virtual Office 

Virtual Offices can comprise a landline number, replied by an actual person, not a device, who can take a memo or forward the call as obligatory. Potential clientele, by and large, will only believe using connections based in a similar city as them - putting supple and mobile sellers from other cities at a disadvantage. It let minute and intermediate industries gain from all the advantages of a vital address, landline handset numbers and squad support without committed to unswerving office space.

 We see that office expenses are reduced while the industry retains the feeling of a customary lofty cost office and infrastructure. The experts can work from home, or wherever and still have the standing that merely a city center address can carry. Research exhibits that patrons be expecting to see an address on advertising resources, and a residence or post office address presently doesn't cut it. 

Who can gain from a Virtual Office?

Virtual Offices offer several benefits to the people who are looking for this sort of service. It allows several industries to grow their sales. 

  • People who have just begun with their business and who do not prefer to use their domicile address and handset number on their credentials
  • Secondly, experts who work out of their patron’s offices and still need to maintain an autonomous marketing identity. 
  • Industries expand their businesses to other nations and regions. 
  • Companies that know they can serve different locations yet need to show their interest to win industries. 
  • Operators who are looking for a receptionist who does not want to hire an employee for their chores look for Virtual Offices. 
  • Salespersons spend up most of the day at prospects workplace and require a safe and secure room to work between meetings. This offers them the relaxation to the body and mind. 
  • The global travelers who require consistent best offices and assistance in the world’s most dynamic cities
  • Anyone who has a five-star corporate presence without the multi-million dollar spends that it needs.

How Virtual Office can prevent the spread of Corona Virus?

With the Virtual Offices in demand nowadays, you are unlikely to use the workplace itself as a physical working site. This lets you completely work flexibly and creating an environment where anyone can work from anywhere.
This is particularly conducive during the recent deadly disease of the Corona Virus. As companies and industries are being asked to work from home and avoid regions of contact with the public such as public transport, having a virtual office is a grand benefit to industries. Using a virtual business address will let you stay secure in your residences and not put your health and the health of others at any kind of risk by travelling into a centrally located workplace space while the deadly disease is active. Thus, Virtual Offices are suitable for industries while the whole world is suffering from the Corona Virus.

The current strategy is to isolate people who have been exposed to the virus/regions where the virus was prevalent. According to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), employers can have employees stay at/work from home if they believe that employee will pose a direct threat to the workplace due to being exposed to an infectious disease like the coronavirus. However, it is imperative to remember that employers must comply with laws and protocols such as HIPPA, OSHA, and ADA, or whichever laws are applicable to your company. The current strategy is to isolate people who have been exposed to the virus/regions where the virus was prevalent. According to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), employers can have employees stay at/work from home if they believe that employee will pose a direct threat to the workplace due to being exposed to an infectious disease like the coronavirus. However, it is imperative to remember that employers must comply with laws and protocols such as HIPPA, OSHA, and ADA, or whichever laws are applicable to your company. Bottom of Form

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Pros and Cons of a Virtual Office Setup

Pros and Cons of a Virtual Office Setup audio:

Coming to this blog means you must have had a fair idea about what a virtual office is. Yes, it is the new affordable and flexible office arrangement to scale up your business and credibility.
The best virtual office in Surrey is an awesome choice for freelancers; small businesses with the motive to expand and also for new entrepreneurs to kick start their business trail. Those who are new to the virtual office concept, it basically means that employees can work from any geographical location and at any time zone. This could mean work from home or from a café or from anywhere comfortable. The only requirement that employees of the best virtual office company need is a stable internet connection.

But before making up your mind, give a read to the pros and cons of a virtual office setup to determine which office arrangement will suit your business.

What’s good about the best virtual office in Surrey?

  • Image-Boosting Tool: When it comes to establishing a business, image is everything. A virtual office gives you the chance to charm your clients and a tuff competition to your competitors without actually having a permanent office. Having a business address at a prime location is a powerful tool. Despite being new in the market, it gives you both credibility and professionalism.

  • Productive Team: Team can be awesome when it comes to setting up the best and the cheapest virtual office. As the employees work from home, they are more relaxed, more focused and achieve deadlines on the given time frame. Moreover, working from home means they do have to travel, which saves a lot of money. A virtual office not only makes the employees more productive but gets thumbs up when it comes to saving money.

  • Flexibility & Flexibility:“I spend 3 hours in travelling to be there for my 9-5 job. It’s frustrating!” – Mr. Jacob from XYZ Company. This is the irony of working professionals today. Whereas, in a virtual setup an employee need not have to commute every day to work. Not only will the employees be able to invest more time for work but can also schedule other vital work accordingly.

What’s less good about the best virtual office company?

Well, well, well…. A virtual office inspite of being such an awesome arrangement, have got its own set of drawbacks.

  • Miscommunication: One of the major drawbacks is that when there is a virtual setup, it is very common to develop miscommunication amongst the colleagues. It has been reasoned that since there is no meeting of employees on a personal level and all the communication happens through chats and emails, there arises conflict of ideas that often leads to miscommunication.

Also, a virtual setup may trigger loneliness for employees, whereas being in an office environment surrounded by colleagues may push them to perform well.

  • Compromised Speed & Quality: This is still under debate. Some corporations believe that employee productivity has gone up 2X when they are given the liberty to work from home. But in June 2013, Yahoo CEO, Marissa Mayer had repealed the work from home culture from Yahoo stating that speed and quality were compromised in such an arrangement.

When you look out for choices, it’s all around us. Now, that you have got some idea about the benefits and cons of a virtual office setup, we hope you make the best profitable deal while looking for the best virtual office in Surrey.

What we feel is that whether it’s a short term or a long term business, virtual space can be your one-stop solution. Write to us if you agree or do not agree. We always love the thoughts of your genius brains!

Friday, February 28, 2020

Why Startups Love Virtual Office Spaces

Why Startups Love Virtual Office Spaces audio:

To become a successful entrepreneur, just planning to start a business may not be enough, especially when you are new in the field. You need an accessible workplace, attractive infrastructure, talented pool of individuals who can deliver the best services, to make timely payments and also provide flexible working hours. Some of these demands may get compromised when you think of a traditional office setup. But thinking about other options may even mean breaking the Banks. So, what’s in there for you? And the answer is a virtual office space for rent in Surrey

Such a setup can be as effective and productive as a traditional office. With the advancement in technology, you can now set up your business in one of the best virtual office spaces at affordable rates. And get started with your office work immediately. If this sounds to be a merit, then go ahead to know more about why startups are looking for a virtual office space to run their businesses. 

  • Credibility: Business is not just confined to a personal point of contact with the clients. A business address is very essential for startups to build the client’s confidence and trust. One of the common virtual office space benefits is that not only it helps you boost your brand’s credibility, but also gives you a mailing address. 

  • Support Staff: Gone are the days when one will have to sit next to the phone for delivery confirmation or to attend customer’s calls. You can leave this bit of work to the virtual office’s staff. The receptionist takes the calls and the messages for you in your company’s name. Doesn’t it sound great? When you get support like this, all you need to do is focus on the growth of your business. 

  • Rental Costs: Virtual office space for rent in Surrey is everything that a startup would be looking for. From giving you an iconic office location in Surrey to redirecting important calls to your numbers. And all this for no long-term contracts or expensive rentals. You can get this at less than a fraction of the cost of renting a full-time office.

If you think there are way better options for the new entrepreneurs in the market, do share your suggestions. But before that have a look at some of the big companies who switched to virtual setups and are not regretting at all. 

Few cases in point who ditched the traditional office modal for virtual office spaces.

Case 1: Zapier

Co-founder of Zappier, Wade Foster is happy to work remotely since it has been like this from the beginning. But one suggestion that he would like to give is that one should go slow while going fully virtual in business. See how the team is responding when they work from home and if things go well, one can soon be as established as Zappier themselves are today. 

Case 2: Buffer

Buffer is an app that facilitates social media sharing. It became a fully virtual company by the end of 2012 with over 70% employees working remotely and connects on a more permanent basis. The team members work globally with uncompromised quality and energy. 

Case 3: FlexJobs

“Creating a company culture is an interesting task in a virtual environment,” says Director of Online Content Brie Reynolds.
FlexJobs has been here for 8 years with the sole motive to provide individuals with flexible working opportunities. What they believe is that although the best virtual office space cannot become like a physical office, it can be much better with a little effort.

Case 4: Automattic

Now WordPress ( a global platform for users around the world ) is because of Automattic. WordPress has become the platform of communication for Automattic team members as well. They also publish internal blogs to keep everyone up-to-date. Even though the setup is completely virtual, colleagues connect with each other through Google Hangouts and Slack.

For more success stories, give this a quick read

Share your ideas and your thoughts on this virtual office space for rent in Surrey blog so that we get motivated to write more and keep you informed about the latest corporate trends in the market.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Top five Things you must think upon before choosing Virtual Office Space in Surrey

Top five Things you must think Audio:

The business environment is changing, and so is the office space. To run a business, you need an office space that will cost you expenses. However, an office space gives a face to your business, especially if it is a startup. Today, more and more businesses are moving towards virtual office space. This office model is a more lucrative and cost-saving method.

Image source- Pinterest

What is Virtual Office Space?
A virtual office is the total business solution, providing the same benefits as traditional office space, but at half cost. The difference here is the access to the office is on-demand. Servcorp presented this concept of about 40 yrs ago. With the physical mailing address, the virtual office space allowed startups and established companies to get space under half cost.

Today, you will find that office space is available in different locations. However, the cost of the same differs according to the site. For instance, the cost of virtual office space in Surrey would be low compared to other locations in the UK.

Like every business investment, for virtual office space, too, you need to do some research work and consideration. This will help in investing in the right office space to run your business. 

We bring you with five things to consider when choosing a virtual office space in Surrey for your business growth-

This is the most crucial factor to consider when looking out for virtual office space in Surrey or in that matter, any location. Surrey is a county and is well developed in terms of the business area. Image matters the most for the business to set up a virtual office. Employees and clients will consider the location to take things ahead. Check out the prime business location in Surrey, where you can set up the virtual office space for your startup or established company.

2Business Priorities-
There are certain requirements of any business or entrepreneur when looking for virtual space. These requirements would help if you considered your business priorities, which you will hope to, get from your virtual office. For example, some virtual office spaces will boast up for their location but may lack the provision of important functions such as reception, meeting room or mail management. You need to weigh both the advantages and disadvantages of every virtual office space about your business needs.

3. Amenities-
Do check the amenities the virtual office space offers. In a well-occupied virtual office space in Surrey, you will find facilities like- business lounge access, Wi-Fi connections, call forwarding, mail receiving, and others. You must check the facilities as per the business requirement so that you can run it smoothly.

4. Comparing Rates and Fees-
Every business has a moneymaking objective, but if you end up spending more on meeting the office rate, then you will hardly save any. In case you have a great running business, then a virtual office offering a reasonable price will never hurt you. If the office is in a prime location, no need to put pressure on your finance, you can get it in a later stage.

5. Lease Information-
When you are looking for the virtual office space in Surrey, do check the lease agreement. Take your time and review them to ensure that there is no confusion later in terms of rent and other aspects.

Virtual office space in Surrey will be a cost-effective business investment. However, never rush in making any rushed decision. Doing proper research using online assistance and connection to get the best deal of virtual office space in Surrey is essential.

Friday, January 31, 2020

Why Choose A Virtual Office?

Why Choose A Virtual Office audio:

Virtual spaces come along with their own set of benefits; they are perfect for individuals who are on the go or work from home. They give them an identity and credibility in front of the clients. It is not always easy for entrepreneurs, start-ups, and small businesses to rent actual space in a prime location. The reason is the super high cost, which they cannot afford. Location plays a vital role in a business's success, and when Virtual office Spaces in London can give them the identity, they want at a cheaper cost, who wouldn't rent it.

Other benefits of these spaces have a professional business address, meeting spaces, and other related services at your disposal.

Let's talk about what virtual spaces represent: 

When you rent a virtual space, you, in fact, rent services that you can access from almost anywhere – your home, train, library, or another office.

The services offered by virtual offices in London include the following:

  • Official mailing address and the mails you receive here are sent to your actual address
  • A business contact number
  • Video conferencing facility
  • Access to professional meeting and conference rooms on request                              

Entrepreneurs who work from home, for them, a virtual office can serve as a first step towards growing their business. Virtual space gives you the visibility you want without the commitment of renting an actual space at a prime location. If you are looking to give your business a professional image, but the condition is a cheaper cost, there is no alternative to a virtual space. Similarly, if you are already working in an office, but you are compromising on your pocket and time, better to rent a virtual space – it's cheaper!


So, what are the benefits of a virtual space as opposed to working from home?

Professionalism: One of the significant reasons virtual spaces are accessible because they offer your business a new look and a higher degree of professionalism. Having a business address, phone number, and professional space where you can meet clients when you want gives a great impression of your business.

Affordable: Virtual spaces are accessible. They give you different packages, and you need to decide which one you want. These spaces offer so many facilities at nominal costs.
If you go for the virtual office package that includes answering phone service, you will find you can save a lot of time that you otherwise spend on responding to the calls.

Flexibility: When you work in a virtual office in London, you are not limited to one locationNo matter where you work from, your clients will call you at your office or send you mails, and they will get all the responses without knowing where you exactly are. It also allows you to be your boss, and other responsibilities don't have to fall by the wayside.

Productivity: You do not have to spend time commuting to the office. It means more time to work on your project. The flip side of a virtual space is your chosen public space ( your home or office) may offer a distraction-free time, but you still are at ease to decide your schedule.

["Know more about benefits of a virtual space "]

Costs of Virtual office spaces: 

You do not have to lease out a virtual space. You can rent as per your preference, for a month, six months, or a year. The choice is all yours!

The cost of a virtual space depends on the services you require. When you add services, it will increase costs. It also depends on the location – The industrial and cultural hubs are likely to cost more.

It can be said that home-based entrepreneurs and start-up owners looking to gain a professional image while renting a virtual office. When you progress, you might find that a virtual office is no more appropriate for you, so you instead prefer to work in a proper office setup. Till then, nothing can compare to the benefits it offers.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

18 benefits of Virtual office Spaces

18 benifits of Virtual Office audio:

The benefits of virtual office space can outweigh the cost by a considerable amount. Many start-ups and entrepreneurs must spend a minimum amount on renting a space and furnishings. Virtual office Spaces Addresses are a boon for them; they are much more than saving money. There are many reasons that businesses go for virtual spaces, and the following are the top reasons for having one for yourself if you are on the verge of starting.

1. Official address: 

When you rent a virtual space in the city of your residence, or that falls under the scope of your work, you connect to a physical building. Your business will get an identity and you will be confident about sharing your business details with the prospective clients. Virtual spaces do not only mean you only use the space address, but they have a deeper meaning attached to it. Whenever you need to meet an existing or a prospective client you can call them in there and trust us, you will get access to the fully furnished offices and meeting rooms.
People often hesitate to trust a business that either does not have a legitimate address or operates from a home office. There are so many scammers on the internet, so it is essential to have an address and office contact number to ensure customers do not doubt your credibility. When businesses have an address in a familiar and known area, it gives their customers a sense of security. 

A video by Intelligent Office

2. Professional environment: If you think virtual office spaces are only meant to offer you an identity and an address, you are wrong. Virtual spaces are much more than that. They give your business a professional outlook so that more clients are inclined towards it. Owning an area at a renowned building tells your customers you are serious about your work.

3. Mail handling service: Many virtual office spaces will provide mail handling services to help you keep up-to-date on the client communications, invoices and other important dates. You pay a definite amount of money, but get a lot of benefits at the same time.

4. Receptionist:

 The package details offered by virtual spaces is similar to what is shown in the image below:

If you hire a receptionist, you have to pay a lot of money. However, when you rent a virtual office space, your package may include several things. You can include reception service in your package to never miss out on important client communication.

5. Your overhead costs are minimum: When you start the traditional business way, the costs of the office space increase manifolds. You have to bear the costs of office equipment, furniture, computers, utilities and more. When you have the choice of working remotely, you do not need to rent a traditional space. You have the freedom to rent virtual space and save on the amount that is otherwise spent on office furniture, furnishings, and other related costs.

6. No substantial down payments: When you are renting a physical space at a prominent office, you have to give a down payment that is huge in amount. It can cost a big chunk out of your capital.

7. Virtual Spaces are an Eco-friendly choice: 

Virtual office spaces have a positive impact on the environment. Often the primary benefit of virtual spaces i.e., reducing the carbon content from the atmosphere, goes unnoticed. You will not more be stuck in traffic for hours. No more wastage of paper and reduced general thrash.

8. You can increase the number of employees quickly: One of the key benefits of working in a virtual space is you do not have to worry about growing the number of employees who work for you. You do not have to worry about extending the space or relocate to a more significant area. You do not have to think about the overcrowded mazes or distractions.

9. More productivity: When you work remotely, it means you or your employees do not have to be the slave of the clock. The best companies these days do not monitor daily employee login details. They instead care about the results and make people more accountable for their jobs.
Reduces production loss due to illness, or covering people on vacation. It also means less turnover and more room for growth.

10. You can hire global talent: 

When you are a part of the worldwide marketplace, you need to handle business across the world. When you operate in different cities/countries, you can have people working for you from separate locations virtually. You can hire and engage talented employees in every corner of the world.

11. Save money on technology: When employees work remotely, they can have the technology they prefer. They can upgrade it when they feel it is convenient for them. While there can be some cyber risk concerns when you are not provided with the technology. It is relatively easy to manage with a simple password protection tool.

12. Search engine optimization benefits: 

SEO specialists ensure your business is on the top of the search results in search engines. Your business won’t grow if the customers can’t find them. By taking help from local specialists in your area, your customers will be able to find you, and it will lead them to your business.

13. Cheaper conference rooms: 

If you were to have a conference and had to pay for space at a hotel or other facility, you know it can be costly. Virtual offices, on the other hand, give you access to large and small conference rooms at a reasonable cost. It is a real perk for the professionals who travel across the globe to lead seminars and workshops. You do not have to ask for references or scour the internet to get the best deals. When you book a conference room at a virtual office, you know you will have a professional meeting space in an atmosphere where your clients and audience will know you are a professional and an established businessperson whom they can trust.

14. No long-term commitment: One of the biggest and the foremost benefits of virtual spaces is you can lease on for as long you want. Most virtual office space providers offer contracts for as long as you want to work at an office. As you do not sign a lease, you have the freedom to discontinue your service or locations whenever you want without having to be concerned about things. 

15. Savings: When you spend most of the time working from home or moving from one place to the other, there is no need to rent an office space. Your office space will remain unoccupied for most of the time and will only drain the company finances. It is hence better to rent a space in a virtual office.

16. Increased productivity: Virtual offices can increase employee satisfaction because they get to work from home. They work as per their convenience, yet at the same time, they have all the benefits of space for carrying out monthly/ quarterly meetings. Effective virtual offices give employees a hyper relaxed environment that increases productivity and efficiency. 

17. No need for relocation: You never have to worry about scaling up or downsizing. Neither you have to think about moving or relocating to another city. Relocation can cost you a lot when you work in a physical office space. It will come along with a lot of challenges and complications. When you rent a virtual office space, you do not have to worry about anything. You rent an area at a new office, and you are good to go. 

18. You align with like-minded people: When you and your professional partners have similar values, everyone will get benefit out of it. If the virtual space provides quality services, it motivates you too to give the same to the customers. Your employees and clients will notice small details, so it is best to rent an office that accredits it. 

Whether you are a one-person army or a group of remotely performing warriors, good virtual spaces can offer the professionalism you need to excel in what you do. Using such an area will allow you more time to build a strong team where employees work dedicatedly to reach a goal.